Shanghai: On16th November, ECAA hosted during the Shanghai Arbitration Week an exclusive Get-Together Dinner at Da Ivo in Shanghai with distinguished guests including Ms. Ling YANG, Vice General Secretary of HKIAC, Ms. Lijun Du, Head of Public Affairs of 上海国际仲裁中心-Shanghai International Arbitration Center, Prof. Yang Li from Fudan University, Prof. Wei Shen from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Ms. Helen Tang, partner at Herbert Smith Freehills and Vice Chair of ICC Arbitration Commission, Ms. Qiqi Wei from Quinn Emanuel, Mr. Xiaoshan Chen, partner at DLA Piper, and Mr. Niu Lei, partner at Global Law Office – organized by our active member Adolf Peter, Associate Professor in International Arbitration at the Shanghai University of Political Science and Law and our Deputy Chair, Denning Jin, partner at Han Kun Law Offices.